Trying to access https://openeo.mundialis.de/api/v1.0/collections leaves one waiting and waiting, until after a minute there is a _504: Gateway time-out_ error. Can this be sped up? Because at the mom…
In the raster exporter currently there are hardcoded GeoTIFF settings:
Since this looks like a bug, I decided to open an issue for it.
The issue seems to happen when the bowtie2 alignmenrt file was generated with "-t rel_ab_w_read_stats", since I get the same error if I…
There is a typo:
--> `process_time_limt` should be `process_time…
The endpoint `gdi_processing_async` has a problem with multimodules like i.sentinel.
A multimodule is only written as e.g. i.sentinel in the `/usr/local/grass/modules.xml` by g.extension and not as i…
**Name of the addon**
r.learn.ml2 (r.learn.predict/r.learn.train)
**Describe the bug**
Not a bug, because it is indicated in the input options for `r.learn.train` that the `training_map` must co…
2020-11-22 23:00 (JST)頃のローカルmacOS環境では、Transifexに手動アップロード=>tx pullでのSphinxビルドで下記のWarningが出ましたが、可能であれば、Transifexにアップロード(or push)する前に既存ツールや自作Pythonスクリプトなどで検出できた方が良さそうです。
log (click)
(py-env) M…
sanak updated
3 years ago
@wenzeslaus produced some cool stuff that allows to try GRASS GIS online, with plenty of nice examples:
Would be cool to have it referenced from the new website.
Add evaluation output options to r.learn.ml in actinia processing chain:
Save cross-validation global accuracy results to csv
Name for output file
Save cross-…
At time the image collection endpoint (https://openeo.mundialis.de/collections) gives the following error:
' "message": "The model \\"STRDSInfoModel\\" does not have an attribute \\"number_of…