pip install cellbrowser
gets me version 0.7 (btw interesting because this github repo only goes up to release 0.6)
in cellbrowser.py
function mtxToTsvGz
these lines went missing, which kills the…
Hi Maximillian,
thanks for this great tool! We are using it a lot in the Sansom lab. I'm trying to implement it into our pipeline but it seems like the init task always exits with the status 1. I've …
Since the top-level list of datasets is also a collection there's a message, mostly covered by the dataset list on the page:
The collection 'All Datasets' contains 21 datasets. Double-click …
Each generated abstract has a "direct link" that goes to an address in the cells.ucsc.edu domain, but since we're hosting our data locally, those links don't work for us.
I've installed cellbrowser locally (cellbrowser 0.5.49 with Apache httpd 2.4.41 on Fedora 29) and, after converting some Seurat files, I've found that I can view them perfectly well with Chrome and Sa…
For one particular dataset, when I'm building my browser I get this error:
INFO:root:current input matrix looks identical to previously processed matrix, same file size, same sample names
Hi maximilian, in your Seurat code in the docs, it should be library(data.table) not library(data.tables) for the fread function. I don't believe there is a data.tables package but data.table is popul…
Any time adata.obsm.dtype is accessed (only happens with non-Scanpy functions that I have notices), an error is thrown: **'AttributeError: 'AxisArrays' object has no attribute 'dtype''**
So far I c…
The info pages for the autism dataset are off.
This dataset does not seem to have a desc.conf file. Please read https://cellbrowser.readthedocs.io/dataD…
@mspeir @mxposed
I'm about to add collections of datasets. (Matt: similar to a supertrack.) It's like an empty dataset that merely points to other datasets. The whole thing is entirely optional.