Hi, i have found some problem with nested tabs and position of tab buttons on the bottom.
if the first tabs has set the attribute decisyon-equuleus, the nested tabs suffering from the css styles:
- …
Steps to reproduce:
1. Start roscore
2. roslaunch jsk_pcl_ros tracking.launch
3. rosrun rviz rviz
4. select and object in rviz
5. click SelectPointCloudPublish Action in the SelectPointCloudPublishAct…
_This post was originally posted at http://sourceforge.net/p/jsk-ros-pkg/tickets/33_
ubuntu 12.04, 64bitでcr_capture, stereo_synchronizerがmakeできません。
I tried jsk.rosbuild as follows and got error in which rostest is not found.
- install command
wget -q -O /tmp/jsk.rosbuild https://raw.github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_common/master/jsk.rosbuild
yes p…