validTime is defined in alignments:
but referenced like any other time property in description of …
(with @tomvantilburg at OSGeo.org codesprint Bonn) : when going to millions or billions of Observations use of a time-series DB like [InfluxDB](https://www.influxdata.com/) or Prometheus may be benefi…
In sensorThings Api software implementations such as FROST, there is no control on the entity's name duplication.
e.g. you can add/POST the same Thing as many times as you like with a returning sta…
> Cette contribution est financée dans le cadre du projet BOSCO (CNRS / Inrae - @hsquividant )
> https://www.spaceclimateobservatory.org/fr/bosco
> https://geosas.fr/bosco/
## Présentation
I've assumed that the `Thing.name` property is intended primarily as a label to be read by humans, however I have seen many examples of snake-case formatted name values, e.g. `some_identifier`, sugges…
This may be a can of worms.
Over at https://github.com/geopython/pygeoapi/issues/817#issue-1058624908 there is discussion of implementing an STA provider for an EDR endpoint. This of course raises…
Did not find a public STA mailing list, so posing the question here: need to get the last `Observations `for a single `Thing` (or better from a series of `Things` from a `properties.project` query). Q…
What is everybody going to be working on, at the July 2024 Open Standards Sprint?