Hi, In my scene, I have a fbx model which make a human with two animations: "idle" and "mouse open", the human do idle animation looply, concurrently when the human need to speak, I start play the "mo…
I'm currently working with Pixi.js and the Spine loader to load a Spine animation that consists of a JSON file and an accompanying Atlas file. While the Pixi.js/Spine loader handles …
I just noticed that new version of DragonBones can import Spine files.
Game maker studio is supporting Spine json format. Is it possible to make DragonBones to export spine like json format so …
## Round ID: Any
## Reproduction:
1. Select a lizard tail and spines in preferences (Works with mismatched too)
2. Spawn in
3. Wag your tail
4. Spines mysteriously detach and do not animate
Trying out the pretty handy binary format the Spine editor can export to in pixi-spine I get an error: `The spineData param is required.` on line 8195 of pixi-spine.js. When using the json export inst…
#### Problem
It is not possible to catch spine loading error if an image, defined in `.atlas` file, has failed to load (network error, absence of asset itself, etc.).
#### Dependencies:…
tsc xx.ts运行起来时,报了好多错。请教一下,请问是什么原因呢?
Microsoft Windows [版本 10.0.18362.1139]
(c) 2019 Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。
D:\ddz_game-master\ddz_game-master\ddz_client>tsc creator.d.ts…
in my index.js,I use
import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js';
import { Spine } from 'pixi-spine';
to load spine。
but the console show
`Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (r…
When importing this code for use in a Swift based SpriteKit (iOS8) project, I would consistently get a crash when trying to run a second animation on top of the queue. After hours of stepping through …