This is a partial list of issues with the client's current support for guest frames which impact VitalSource, and that we'll need to solve.
1. [x] The current `FrameObserver`/`HypothesisInjector` s…
We've run into a few cases in which user font-zooming (which resets the base REM size) or host page REM base sizing detrimentally affects the UI of the controls in the annotator (those controls render…
Nick from VS has directly asked us to default this to close because it improves the user experience.
## Scenario
:bust_in_silhouette: As a Student
- logged into Canvas
- logged into VS
I …
Per [this discussion in Slack](https://hypothes-is.slack.com/archives/C4K6M7P5E/p1637263484304600).
The different flows one can take into the assignment after landing on vitalsource are:
- Opt o…
## Bug report form
### Steps to reproduce
1. Enter course https://aunltd-test.blackboard.com/ultra/courses/_38_1/cl/outline (use "professor" login)
2. Try to launch any "test VS" assignment
3. See…
The Hypothesis-enabled version of the VitalSource Bookshelf application has been updated to use a new version of their reader. It can be tested at https://hypothesis.instructure.com/courses/125/assign…
We'll be done when:
- The developer of the feature can complete the scenario laid out below
- A "laundry list" of next steps exists to capture the remaining tasks required to get PDF ready for lau…
Give us internally the ability to switch VitalSource assignments on and off at the app instance level (like normal)
## Scenario
:bust_in_silhouette: As a H LMS admin
- On the admin page of th…
In our demos, we'd like to let teachers go through the assignment creation flow. This will also be absolutely necessary to use in Spring pilots.
- [x] Why can't a teacher go into Hypo…
[View list of issues dedicated to this feature](https://github.com/orgs/hypothesis/projects/51/views/21?filterQuery=-status%3ADone+-is%3Aclosed+-type%3AFeature+feature%3A%22JSTOR+Demo%22)