TX Ubuntu (libiio v1 main branch) -> Target ADRV9364 (libiio v0.25 and v0.24 tried) -> RX Ubuntu (libiio v0.25 IIO-Scope)
Example to generate data on TX side:
I am trying to create a simple application that reads a buffer of 1024 samples continuously. I found the example ad9361-iiostream.c that would seem to do the trick. The only problem is that I don't un…
Dear Project Maintainers,
I would like to contribute to pyadi-iio, and I am preparing an additional example for the AD9361 to achieve the transmission of modulated signals.
The script is based o…
0. Could you send email to xianjun.jiao@ugent.be to introduce your self?
1. Our image is used directly or you build your own image?
I used the image "openwifi-1.4.0-notter.img" unzipped from…
I checked iio-oscilloscope/plugins/spectrum_analyzer.c plugin by injecting RF signal on RX1 of the ADRV9361-z7035 . I want to see this peak on AD9361 DAC by enabling RF LOOP BACK by setting ADC path r…
Hi, ,, im trying to use dual receive on ADALM pluto and i followed all the steps of changing fw_set_env parameters to be AD9361...
then, below is the code im trying to run, followed by the error i …
Compiled openwifi-hw, pulled the latest github code, and followed the steps strictly. In the last step of "Generate Bitstream", the system module could not be found. See the attached file.
Get the following error when using readsb with a Nuand bladeRF 2.0 micro xA4:
bladeRF: loading FPGA bitstream from /usr/share/Nuand/bladeRF/hostedxA4.rbf
Calibration TIMEOUT (0x16, 0x80)
I'm trying to get openwifi working on my Antsdr E310. But the `wgd.sh` script fails and therefore the `fosdem.sh` script also fails.
I flashed the `openwifi-1.4.0-notter.img`onto a 32GB SD card…
What is the maximum transmit power for bladerf v2 (I couldn't find it on nuand.com)? If I'm not wrong, it uses the same transceiver as the usrp b210, so can we expect similar figures?