Can we add python support to u3d?We can use python as the script of u3d rather than AngelScript because AS is really difficult to learn.I think that could be more convenient to noobs and popularize u3…
(at least in gnome-terminal)
I'm unable to "press any key" to exit as it just adds it as input, I need to press enter for it to actually exit
Hi there, awesome light little library :)
I've identified a few issues with code blocks, they are as follows:
- overrides `code` does not differentiate between the 3 code types internally, should …
The great relevancy cleanup:
- [x] 1c
- [x] abnf
- [x] accesslog
- [x] actionscript
- [x] ada
- [x] angelscript
- [x] apache
- [x] applescript
- [x] arcade
- [x] arduino
- [x] armasm
- […
I noticed in one of the earlier iterations of this library that it could somewhat automatically figure out the signature/decl for a function, but it doesn't seem to be available anymore. Is this just …
The build-system should be refactored. Ideally to CMake (in my opinion), or at least a helper script to do the steps from the README.
The steps are just too annoying for a small utility like this.
I think we've reached the point now when we really need to add a proper scripting language.
The following uses are obvious, but there may be more:
* Cleanly patching game bugs without using che…
# Add targets
foreach (TARGET ETCPACK FreeType LZ4 PugiXml rapidjson SDL StanHull STB)
add_subdirectory (ThirdParty/${TARGET})
endforeach ()
Our [coding guidelines](https://ror.avrintech.net/rorwikibackup/index.php/Coding_style) need a new home (wiki is retired) and extension. I suggest incorporating them to our Doxygen docs and adding usa…
By 'built-in' I mean that argument names for all functions should be simply generated from their definitions, for example: `func f(x, y, z) {.....}` would allow positional arguments call `f(10, 20, 30…