We have included a mock community sample in our analysis.
This mock comprises 8 species.
Dada produces 273 ASVs for this sample.
When we cluster the ASV sequences with decipher they form 8 well def…
Do you have any additional datasets you like to add/(have added) to `microbiomeDataSets`?
@antagomir @dombraccia @microsud @fionarhuang
Anything against submitting the datasets first after some…
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- Repository: https://github.com/MPiet11/BiodivoTools
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I am wondering what would be the recommended coverage of illumina paired-end short read to use for correction. In my case I have ~270x short read coverage of the genome I am intending to assemble de n…
How do we begin annotating the microbial taxonomy with morphological and physiological properties? For example:
* [obligate aerobes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obligate_aerobe)
* [facultative ana…
I'm wondering if there is any interest in adding a feature for a conversion tool from biom data to the [AnnData](https://anndata.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) format. This format is used by man…
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- Repository: https://github.com/zoecastillo/microbiomeExplorer
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@kubu4 do you know which version of MEGAN6 you used to make transcriptome 3.1 (bairdi)?
Also, do you know of the citation for it?
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- Repository: https://github.com/FrederickHuangLin/ANCOMBC
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