Coming from melodic, I always enjoyed analyzing bag data using rqt_bag tool. Recently, I started a new project using ROS2 iron and also jazzy and I noticed that the rqt_bag tool is almost unusab…
We can not see the precision levels with Here + RTK Kit. Because it uses only one frequency.
So we would like to use the Saptentrio m2 UAS card as a rover, Stonex S9 III Receiver (or any dua…
We are using the following setting file on the yaml file. The ntrip settings work using the datalink, but not the ros driver.
# Configuration Settings for the Rover Rx
# GNSS/INS Parameter…
raw data(~40min,time tagged) :
uses a NEO-M8P receiver con…
### Subject of the issue
I tried to use the UART 2 port for the NEO-D9C to input differential data, but the firmware changes the UART 2 input data type to RTCM 3 at startup, leading to a failure to u…
hi everone,
I have a Mti-680g and I tried connect ntrip_client. I applied ( https://xsenstechnologies.force.com/knowledgebase/s/article/Using-an-NTRIP-client-with-the-Xsens-ROS-driver?language=en_U…
I am using Ublox M8N as rover and NTRIP caster as base station in RTCM 3 format. Is there any additional settings to be made or something to use GPS + GLONASS from NTRIP? The NTRIP caster is…
Some RTCM messages have repeating parameter blocks, how many is dependent on the number of satellites. The parameter block definition is identical for each satellite, for example message type 1001 ha…
I haven't had success yet, but I'm working on this, and if it does work, a closed issue covering it off will help any others in future. (I'd also like to do something similar for RTCM messages if I ha…