I'm using the paired-end data that was obtained with custom technology that is very similar to Cel-seq2. The structure of reads is following (PE 150):
R1: UMI (7 bp) + CB (4 bp) + poly-T (25 …
# Please specify the binary path to the references used (optional)
cDNA = your/path/to/human_GRCh38/cDNA/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.78.cdna.all.fa
pep = your/path/to/human_GRCh38/pep/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38…
Нарисовать персонажей ориентируясь на исходник:
Create lab booklet with the following sections:
- [ ] Prologue
- [x] Micropippet Evaluation
- [x] Human Tissue Cell Culture
- [x] The Hemocytometer & Cell Culture Math
- [x] Cell Staining and Microsc…
while processing the data with Tombo before using MINES, which reference fasta should be used for ONT direct RNA sequencing data - genome or cDNA fasta.
akk01 updated
3 years ago
For new term requests, please provide the following information:
## Preferred term label
Asteria scRNA-seq
## Textual definition
PIPseq: The Fluent BioSciences PIPseq…
I'm trying to run CTAT pipeline to annotate my variants, with singularity but I'm having this problem:
but I actually have the li…
Hi all,
I have sequencing data from the ONT PromethION platform with the Kit SQK-RNA002 and R9 chemistry.
Tombo pipeline has been launched under the conda environment with the following version of…
vgori updated
11 months ago
Hello, developers,
Recently, I'm trying to perform a simulation with strand specific reads.
Because I can't find any information about what kind of library will be constructed, so I decided to do a …
I see the following somewhat weird data (SAM format) coming out of minimap2:
7964 16 NC_000913.3 835805 1 522S7=1293I4083N807=1D13=1X525=1I289=1D87=1X47=54S * 0 0 TGTAC...
59048 0 NC_000…