# RFC 0800 Tracking Issue
Implement [RFC 0800: TypeScript Adoption Plan](https://rfcs.emberjs.com/id/0800-ts-adoption-plan).
## Enable TS blueprints
- [x] #20352
## Publish types
We do…
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more.
## Config Migration Needed
- […
There appears to be a breaking change between `2.2.1` and `2.2.2`. Previously, in gjs files, we could reference JS globals directly as helpers. For example, we were using `@something=(Boolean this.bla…
I'd like to pass a string that starts with `@` to an argument:
In `ember-template-lint@v5`, the code above caused `no-potential-path-strings` to fail. So I used double cur…
So far only `EMBER_CLI_SCENARIO` environment variable is extracted from `.travis.yml` configuration and used to generate the GitHub Action CI: https://github.com/jelhan/create-github-actions-setup-for…
In components with a co-located template, the plugin adds `import { hbs }` and `const __COLOCATED_TEMPLATE__ = ...` to the source file, and that is affecting the code coverage. Not only does this affe…
`ember-css-modules` makes perfect sense with component and controller templates.
But for `app.css` and other styles in the `styles/` folder that are not paired with a template — it does not make se…
`ember-cli-template-lint` generated TAP output which was is a format consumed by our CI. Now when it is supposed to be deprecated it would be nice to get TAP output from ember-template-lint.
Things like `×` should be ignored by default by the `no-bare-strings` rule because they are built-in HTML constructs.
Forked from https://github.com/ember-template-lint/ember-template-lint/is…
This rule has opposite opinions (e.g. https://github.com/ember-template-lint/ember-template-lint/issues/121), but by default it advices to make templates not xml compliant. I don't like it at all.