Add dark and light theme flavors?
- hard
- medium
- soft
egel updated
2 months ago
Version: 1.0.78
Platform: linux 4.18.0-13-generic
Plugins: altair, clickable-links, quick-cmds, save-output, scrollbar, shell-selector, theme-gruvbox, title-control
Possible regression with sudo:…
As a Developer
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egel updated
2 months ago
Thanks for making this theme. Firstly, just quick note that the installation guide wrongly refers to /avivace/Arc-T.git rather than /3ximus/gruvbox-plasma. Additionally, after installation the only gr…
abers updated
6 years ago
When you change background in Gruvbox theme, airline theme changes too.
Papercolor on the other hand don't.
So I am running `nvim 0.5.0` on `win 10` and when I open `lazygit`, it has some ugly colours that has nothing to do with the colorscheme, alternatively, gruvbox (and most fonts), colourises lazygit.
I'm using vim on my Raspberry pi. I've Installed the gruvbox plugin with vim-plug, just as it's recommended in the [Wiki](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/wiki/Installation). When i'm running vim in…
ghost updated
4 years ago
I prefer my background to be `#000000`. You rejected #102 saying:
> I would try to provide alternative solution to overload any gruvbox color
I would like this feature.
Using the workaround (menti…
Hello here!
As I can see gruvbox links **Sneak** and **SneakLabel** color groups to **Search** group internally. Thus I am not able to configure proper colors for [vim-sneak](https://github.com/justi…
I use YouCompleteMe plugin for vim and gruvbox theme with dark background. My `.vimrc`:
"" load and set extra plugins
let &runtimepath.=','.$PLUMED_VIMPATH
let g:ycm_extra_conf_globlist = ['~/…