I follow this web page : https://github.com/raulmur/ORB_SLAM2
I met problem ....
root@258bf54d0a5e:~/ORB_SLAM2/Examples/ROS# rosrun ORB_SLAM2 MonoAR Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt Examples/Stereo/EuRoC.ya…
Welcome !
Input sensor was set to: RGB-D
Loading ORB Vocabulary. This could take a while...
loading duration: 2.57s
Vocabulary loaded!
- size: 640x480
- fx: 535.4
- fy: 539.2
- cx: 320.1…
Hello Everyone,
I was testing ORB_SLAM2 with my new Intel RealSense R200, but I am having some trouble with it.
If I run in Monocular mode, I don't have much trouble. It runs and tracks whenever it …
When I run ./build_ros.sh from the root of the project I fail for missing package dependencies.
maddoxw@wmdevbox:~/git/ORB_SLAM2$ ./build_ros.sh
Building ROS nodes
-- The C compiler identifica…
When i tryed launch houses.launch, i have got error:
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [orb_slam2/ros_mono]: can't locate node [ros_mono] in package [orb_slam2]
but, Gazebo and Rviz loaded.
In …
ORB_SLAM2 runs well on other sequences, but when I try to get results on TUM3 sitting static sequence, ORB_SLAM2 tries to initialize but fails. I am wondering if it is a failure mode for ORB_SLAM2?
I am using Ubuntu 16.04 on parallels Virtual machine running on MacOS 10.15.5. I have built both the build.sh and the build_ros.sh successfully.
I have OpenCV 2.4.3 installed and Eigen3 3.1.0. When …
Hello everyone,
I installed the two versions of ORB_SLAM (my work is focused on ORB_SLAM1) I would like to know if there is any difference between ORB_SLAM1 and ORB_SLAM2 (Monocular) in map creation …
hello, I have met difficulties when using this code in my computer. Hope u can help!
Maybe this is related to gcc version or C++ 17? Could you share more information about the version of cmake and gc…
I have successfully built ORB_SLAM2 under ./build.sh ; meanwhile, I have successfully build ROS example under ./build_ros.sh.
Then, I export $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH = PATH/Examples/ROS correctly.