Hello. Currently running mac and downloaded harvesttools using conda.
When I run normal parsnp command, I get the following error:
base) > ~ % parsnp -g ~/GCF_PAO1_000006765.1_ASM676v1_genomic.gb…
I’m encountering an issue using RELION 5 and EMAN 2.91. During execution, I receive the following error:
RuntimeError: Exception at /home/eman2/miniconda3/conda-bld/eman2_1615224802990/work/li…
Would there happen to be any textbooks similar to Mooney's that could be used for this course? I was reading through it and found it to be a very slow read. I was hoping it would have a wide range of …
QligFEP automatically generates runCLUSTER.sh within inputfiles. The problem is that generated run.sh always contains:
time **mpirun** -np 32 $qdyn eq1.inp > eq1.log (for example)
which will r…
This is what I got when I tried to login
![screen shot 2013-07-17 at 5 20 41 pm](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/1000056/816067/4d7dabf0-ef38-11e2-99e8-8a6c1c432ad6.png)
RNAer updated
11 years ago
Currently, there is no direct link to download the resulting kin file of a meta analysis and will be nice to have one.
There's some question about whether we need to make the requirements for tutorials more restrictive to make people self-select not to submit if the software is not actually going to be useful. We don…
I have a request that should enhance the utility of DNA Chisel for codon optimization.
When selecting Codon Usage Tables for species [not included](https://github.com/Edinburgh-Genome-Fou…
@Chris-Evelo @egonw ;
Since several hormones/polypeptides are in the border region of being called a metabolite or a protein, we could think about including protein IDs for these types of compounds…
# Title
Making sense of internal fragment ions
# Abstract
Peptide identification from fragment mass spectra uses only part of the contained information. Here, internal fragment ions, i.e. pep…