I typically add the superbuild install prefix to `CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH`, but from point 4 in https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.5/command/find_package.html should be sufficient to just set the `/bin` to PAT…
In the WBI-Toolbox README.md there are some useful information that are appliable to all matlab-based superbuild projects (such as adding the addpath([getenv(CODYCO_SUPERBUILD_DIR) /install/mex) dir…
Currently the documentation describe how to install yarp, icub-main and the gazebo-yarp-plugins externally with respect to the superbuild. This is a common configuration if you have use several softwa…
To investigate.
When you switch to the branch `new_wbi_ID` in `codyco-supebuild` for example, if you wanna get certain repositories from their `new_wbi_ID` branch, you're supposed to define a tag in `ProjectsTags.cma…
Step that should be documented:
- [ ] Open a subproject in an IDE (Qt-Creator, KDevelop, Visual Studio, Xcode)
- [ ] Add a simple main ("hello word") to an existing subproject
@liesrock I remember…
Together with @Yeshasvitvs we tried to run the `fast yoga demo` on `iCubGenova04`. The robot fails immediately. The measured joint torques went up to a crazy value: 2000 Nm (see the picture below).
Is there a way to set the variables [`coulombVelThr`](https://github.com/robotology/codyco-modules/blob/master/src/modules/jointTorqueControl/include/jointTorqueControl/jointTorqueControlThread.h#L93)…