Please include the following data:
* `export | egrep 'LANG|LC_CTYPE|TERM'`
Karthik@KVK-PC MINGW64 /c/Program Files (x86)/Notcurses
$ export | egrep 'LANG|LC_CTYPE|TERM'
declare -x TERM="xte…
guilt updated
2 years ago
# if we're virtual, let's listen on tcp://, too
if /bin/dmesg | /bin/egrep -q '(VirtualBox|VMware|QEMU)'; then
DOCKER_HOST="-H tcp://"
is not a tes…
# scan1 version 03.12.2018
#!/bin/bash -x
#scan vorbereiten hcitool und hcidump Bibliothek
sudo hciconfig hci0 down
sudo hciconfig hci0 up
#sudo timeout 1s hcitool lescan;
sudo timeout 0.2s hc…
Apply PEP 3113-- removal of parameter tuple unpacking, i.e. def fn(x, (y, z)) is not allowed in Python 3
~/27ve2/src/seestar$ egrep -ril 'def .*\(.*\('| xargs vim ; reset
/def .*(.*(
Something went wrong when I sync my contacts. Debug output:
$ vdirsyncer -vdebug sync
debug: Using 1 maximal workers.
Syncing my_contacts
debug: PROPFIND http://localhost:37358/
debug: {'U…
For decades, I've used the left+right mouse buttons to scroll in X applications.
This can be done from the command prompt in X11 as follows:
xinput set-prop 'Logitech USB Optical Mouse' '…
In a small v5 test system, I noticed that HSI and Trigger fragments are not arriving at the TriggerRecordBuilder in a timely way.
With a request timeout of 1 second or more, and with a trigger ra…
Script don't work on new cameras american release.
They changed firmware - so new path to card (that is small problem, easy fix) and busybox (egrep don't work now, so script crashes)
Otark updated
6 years ago
Unlike the `musicbrainz` plugin, the `follow` plugin will leak passwords via `beet config`. Please redact the password instead.
beet config | egrep -A3 '(musicbrainz|follow)'
Find and fix any of these annotations:
egrep "TODO|FIXME|BUG|NOTE" -IR doc src examples tests
`NOTE` doesn't necessarily need fixing, but is deliberately a searchable tag. Lower-case `note` …