Considering that Gym is not maintained by OpenAI and its maintained now from a different repo [Gymnasium](https://github.com/Farama-Foundation/Gymnasium), I suggest to change the code in order to impo…
I am trying to run the Metaworld benchmark as the simulation environment since we don't have access to the same robots. On running the below command, we get the following error:
python train…
When I am running the following code:
import torch as th
from rllte.xplore.reward import RND
from rllte.env import make_mario_env
from rllte.agent import PPO, DDPG
if __name__ == '__ma…
Importing A2C agent from rlberry.agents.torch automatically tries to import optuna (which is not part of rlberry's install dependencies, but of "default" dependencies which are part of extra dependenc…
Hi, would it be possible to update this repo to use the most recent version of PettingZoo? We want to list this project in PettingZoo's [third-party-environments](https://pettingzoo.farama.org/environ…
[o2arc_check.py](https://github.com/ConfeitoHS/arcle/blob/main/tests/o2arc_check.py)와 [o2arcex.py](https://github.com/ConfeitoHS/arcle/blob/main/tests/o2arcex.py)을 실행하면 다음과 같은 에러가 뜹니다.
(base) …
This is a bug that only I seem to have, but despite reinstalling fancy_gym numerous times, I never got past it. Whenever I try to use an Airhockey enviroment (despite installing fancy_gym[all] and oth…
Hello, I want play gymnasium games in web page, so I use pygbag. The problem is gymnasium use box2d, so i need box2d wasm, but I dont know how to compile box2d. Can any one help?
Hi, im trying to run some simple gymnasium stuff and getting the following error:
(require-python '[gymnasium :as gym])
(def env (gym/make "LunarLander-v2" :render_mode "human"))
; …
### Steps to Reproduce
Login to "Merian-Schule Berlin" (works both with key+"Passwort direkt benutzen" or with password without that option) via nessa.webuntis.com
Look into Timetable, Rooms, Teac…
woffs updated
2 months ago