Запрос. Создание самого трейда.
POST /api/buy
Данные из request
Dear Dr. Zhang and Co-authors,
I hope this message finds you well. I have been closely studying your recent publication, "Telomere-to-telomere Citrullus super-pangenome provides direction for water…
I am not sure why a genus level scientific name would be matched to a species level accepted name here
"count": 93227,
"verbatim_taxonID": "null",
"verbatim_taxonConceptID": "null",…
Species distribution models of tundra plants
### Author(s) of proposal
Chris Hoess
### Name of taxon
### Rank of taxon
### Approximate number of species affected
### Description of change
_Rhizoglossum_ was recogniz…
Write python classes to represent different species of animals
We should have an `animal` base class with four children classes. All animals should be able to move, eat, and sleep with functions. All…
Hi ONT Dorado Team. I am planning to do a methylome sequencing in a couple of grass species and was wondering if you have benchmarks that you can share on the accuracy of Dorado for plant genomes in …
GET "/" returns all plants
GET "/:id" returns plant by specific id
GET "/species/:type"
Slide 1 : "/" - Homepage with plant slideshow
Slide 2: "/search" - takes you to the page redirect from the p…
As a user looking at a generated pdf
I want to quickly identify the genus or species relating to a key
so that I can more quickly identify the plant I am interested in
This is bug as the origina…