Acknowledgements on Title Slide:
Consulted with Nathan Boyd and NCI Office of Data Sharing ([nciofficeofdatasharing@mail.nih.gov](mailto:nciofficeofdatasharing@mail.nih.gov))
## **User Story**
As a user concerned about my privacy,
So that my data is used responsibly and beneficially,
I want to have control over my data, with an option to securely share my mental health rep…
> - “In more uncommon cases in which institutional policies do not permit the sharing of
derived data sets, synthetic data containing the same statistical properties can be generated and shared freel…
If possible.
Thakn you very much!
| | |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| Crates | std, crossbeam_channel |
| Section | 4.3 Sharing data between threads |
- shared ownership with `Arc`
- shared stack with `cross…
Hi Juliana, Thank you for sharing your genetic QC pipeline—it has been incredibly helpful. I have a question regarding whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data. Due to its large size, it's often to separate…
Likely one of many, but laying groundwork for why and how to implement interoperability bridges at a high-level
First paragraph: "Universities, including University of New Mexico, are working to create
data repositories to help researchers make the products of their research available." change? ->
- [outline](../wiki/Data-Sharing-Agreement-Outline)
- [GPC #283 determine GPC funding status for bariatric study](https://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/trac/Project/ticket/283) - some history on co…
There is an apparent bug and inconsistency when swapping between training and validation in JAG data reader. There is an assumption that this may have to do with whether _shareable_training_data_reade…