As per the title.
The match was disconnecting continuously every round of the match saying I was offline in steam.
I restarted steam to try and solve this, I could no longer reconnect to the match t…
I think each mode should have a Pokémon associated with it for flavor. Namely choose Spinda if it is random.
While browsing the PS code as an battle engine mechanics check in a personal project, I noticed something that didn't seem entirely right. I confirmed my suspicions with a friend who owned SV.
PS t…
### Competitive Analysis and Comparative Analysis
### Issue Verification
- [X] I have verified that this is a new documentation issue.
- [X] I'm interested in working on this issue
- [X] I'm part of GSSOC organization
### Documentation Area📚
key t…
vast.ai has very competitive prices and support People to rent out their GPUs
### Description
Documentation of Linear Diophantine Equation that will cover things like-
- Finding a solution for a Linear Diophantine Equation
- Finding all solutions of a Linear Diophantine Equa…
### Description
Documentation of Extended Euclidean algorithm to compute GCD.
### Domain
Competitive Programming
### Type of Contribution
### Code of Conduct
- [X] I follow [Cont…
## Description 📜
I want to create documentation explaining Bubble Sort with code examples.
## Domain of Contribution 📊
- [x] Competitive Programming
## Description 📜
Need a documentation on sorting algorithms in arrays.
## Domain of Contribution 📊
- [ ] Android Dev (Flutter, Java, Kotlin)
- [ ] Backend Dev (Java, .NET, Python…