Enums like `enum logic [2:0]` are seen as 32 bit wide types. This is a problem only inside the plugin - yosys converts them to properly sized types in later stages.
Test case:
Test: ./yosys/tests/arch/common/logic.v
The trimmed down version of that test has 3 errors in the plugin code (Visible in the corresponding gate netlist):
module top
input [0:7] in,
Test yosys/tests/arch/common/fsm.v
The plugin creates a state variable that is 2 bits wide instead of 3
Test yosys/tests/asicworld/code_tidbits_fsm_using_always.v
The plugin generates parameters that are 32 bit wide where they should be 3 bits wide.
Test: UHDM-integration-tests/tests/ConstSizes/dut.v
./run_formal_verif.sh test=ConstSizes_dut.v
Smaller test:
module dut (output logic[63:0] a);
assign a = 7698294523898761276;
This pull request runs successfully on my local machine,
but fails in the CI, because the added part is not available in the WebPack edition:
There was a change in the API of SynthSubset class some time back.
The plugin didn't get updated in this test:
Test yosys/tests/simple_scopes.v
./run_formal_verif.sh test=simple_scopes.v
After fix: https://github.com/chipsalliance/Surelog/pull/3262 and https://github.com/chipsalliance/Surelog/pull/3263
This issue accumulates various ideas for improvements related to f4pga (CLI tool) that was recently merged (#530).
Please refer to https://f4pga.readthedocs.io/en/latest/f4pga/Usage.html and related …
Test UHDM-integration-tests/tests/xor_assignment/top.sv
./run_formal_verif.sh test=xor_assignment_top.sv
module top(output logic a);
initial begin
a = 1;
a ^= 0;