I'm trying to export the OCR task into one of the COCO or YOLO formats with polygon region annotation format. The rectangle annotation works fine, but the polygon region (see photo below) doesn't work…
I am using the laast version to convert a TF LITE model :
root@3c4673a43108:/home/mac/data# ./convert.sh
1.### convert to mlir
2024/10/19 05:19:44 - INFO : TPU-MLIR v1.11-20240927
Name: GTFS to Beckn Converter
Title: "Need a User Interface for Managing GTFS files."
Labels: C4GT Community
## Description
Today any mobility service that has its sched…
- We use ONNX as format, which is supported by langchain4j. The other is GGUF and safetensors-format. The market is mostly safetensors-format. But no Java library. We did not want to have a third part…
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\HP\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\文本转换.py", line 4, in
markdown_content, time…
In a discussion today, we had the idea to put more functionality to the `+` button where other formats can be given in a small pop-up window. For now, the easiest would be to add AID to TD converter i…
Hello @psriram2 , We are working on a model that takes KITTI format for BEV generation. We used your script for converting KITTI-360 to KITTI dataset. With the converted label files, when the BEV gen…
The current `.proto` file was written based on the way data is stored in the XML files, but we aren't restricted to that. The following is a list of improvements that can be made to either improve dat…
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\mysoftware\anaconda\envs\rtmdet-sam\lib\site-packages\rest_framework\views.py", line 506, in dispatch
response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
I am running the latest version of the bitnami kafak docker images using docker compose. It has zookeeper, kafka, connect, and ksqldb all configured and working with other connectors so the setup is g…