Thank you for providing the code. I encountered some difficulties while trying to reproduce the code in the sd repository.
Here is the error message I encountered:
[rank0]: Traceback (most recent ca…
First,thank you for your kitti groundtruth data very much, I'm doing research in loop closure on kitti dataset .Second, are you doing research in loop closure problem?could I have some discussion with…
Whenever I try to run a demo with --viz, the viewer open for a sec and close and I get the following issue :
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
diffrax 0.6.0
jax 0.4.30
Using jax.experimental.enable_x64 and jit will return a exception.
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import diffrax
key = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)
x1 = …
dv-ai updated
3 weeks ago
i got this error message when i build package.
[ 90%] Linking CXX shared library /media/kpro/jetson_nvme/catkin_ws/devel/lib/liblaser_loop_closure.so
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lBoost::timer
### **Before You Proceed**
To clarify and prevent any confusion:
- **`openRuntimesVersion` is set to v3** while running `appwrite run function` command in this issue. However, the problem is not…
The following code caused a panic! in the testnet instance.
(define-constant zk-p (tuple (i0 u348699826680297066) (i1 u10551491231982245282) (i2 u17693782080786384756) (i3 u965663372398…
Hi, may I ask what's the difference between the three Reg/Strategy? Is ICP-Reg only lidar or is always based on visual features?
I'm currently using proximity detection + non robust loop closures a…
auto-reduced (treereduce-rust):
pub trait TraitCat {}
pub trait TraitDog {}
pub fn gamma(t: [TraitDog; 32]) {}
pub struct P;
pub struct R(T);
**Describe the bug**
Running the example from the Rust Quick Start page segfaults on 0.9.0, 0.9.1, and 0.10.0-alpha.5.
Running rerun-cli segfaults on 0.9.1, and 0.10.0-alpha.5 (rerun-cli@0.9.0 f…