Is it possible to convert a set of DICOM images into nifti, and do some processing, and the convert the derived nifti files back to DICOM with headers saved during the DICOM to nifti conversion using …
Dear Blaine,
I'm trying to motion correct a T1w EPI time-series, where the acquisition order of the slices is shuffled in each repetition, such that in each volume the slices have slightly differen…
The use case is very large nifti files (~100GB) that don't fit into RAM: Reading parts, writing parts and creating new images on disk.
The mmap option is really nice for reading them!
I managed …
There is little documentation for the CSV files written by the CLI
**Describe the bug**
The tag TablePosition sometimes does not get populated depending on the data format.
I uploaded a test folder containing a sequence that was acquired. When it was being acqu…
po09i updated
2 weeks ago
### Summary
I recently came across a brain CT scan acquired with gantry tilt. This causes the stack of dicoms to be sheared, and should be corrected when converting to Nifti. Heudiconv does n…
hi everyone
I have no experience in programming but I have been trying to work with the Captk as an end user and use it in my project. I am going to describe some problem I have encountered with when…
The NIfTI standard : http://nifti.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/src/niftilib/nifti1.h - says that:
The (x,y,z) coordinates refer to the CENTER of a voxel
That's our convention, but it's not document…
_Pretext: I'm painfully aware that this package is no longer maintained. But we have no alternative and our only hope is to wait patiently for https://github.com/nipy/nibabel/issues/977. I'm still rep…
This story stems from this post
DWI registration (and subsequent transformation) to T1 space is an important step in connectomics. There are a number of…