So after some time I was able to track the issue to these components:
``` java
public void beginTransaction() {
synchronized (lock) {
I ran into an issue with nested transactions in a custom PutResolver throwing a ConcurrentModificationException in DefaultStorIOSQLite.notifyAboutPendingChangesIfNotInTransaction. I was trying to ensu…
Is there a support for such queries or an example of that?
Sample Tweets app isn't really fast on my nexus 5.
The tweets aren't much data. Maybe it's possible to show better performance with more realistic data.
Builds on CI can fail because of tests flakiness:
`com.pushtorefresh.storio.contentresolver.integration.QueryTest > queryOneByField FAILED
java.lang.AssertionError at QueryTest.java:34`
It's jus…
Hope it's last issue before `1.0.0`.
**Package naming policy:**
Currently we have "Singular" variant …
Issue to discuss upcoming release `1.0.0`
Nulls everywhere in StorIO, that's good for performance, but not safe for users, I think that it's better to lose 1% of performance, but provide safety instead.
At the moment we return empty `MatrixCursor` if original call to `contentResolver.query()` returns null, but in fact if `ContentProvider` returns `null`, it means that this query can not be processed…