The `main` function is missing from the [bcbio.workflow.xprize](https://github.com/chapmanb/bcbio-nextgen/blob/30c48f194a2031986b57cf210cc2e37fea9ae2c0/bcbio/workflow/xprize.py#L81-82) module.
This might be worth taking a look: http://www.xprize.org/grand-challenges/learning.
I've installed previous versions (last version was about 3 weeks ago) of the pipeline using the following commands in the bcbio-nextgen directory:
python setup.py build
python setup.py install
I took a look through the functionality in `bcbio.variation/src/bcbio/variation/web/` and it looks to me like most of it is X-prize related.
Since the VCF analysis is separate, my intuition is to just…