I've set up all firmware both on SBC and dev-PC, 👋
I could run gazebo with teleop-twist-keyboard successfully,
but the Real-robot doesn't work...
I don't know how to do...
Can anyone help m…
### Proposal: Creation of a Devcontainer for ROS2 Humble Andino Gazebo Development
As a part of our ongoing efforts to improve the developer experience and streamline the setup p…
## Desired behavior
Reduce the time to deploy an Andino bot in a fully functional system.
## Alternatives considered
Probably there are many out there, like from a bash script, having an imag…
### Summary
This tasks involves modifying the standard Arduino Smart Car 3D design in order to include the required holes and avoid having to drill them after printing.
### Definition of done
## Environment
* OS Version: Ubuntu 22.04
* o3de binary build 23.10.2
* ROS2 Humble
## Description
When running Option A: Only For Demo!
./docker/build.sh demo
Receive an error
=> …
Hoy datos.gob.ar tiene 2 campos que hacen referencia a la responsabilidad bajo la cual se publica un dataset o el contacto directo con el área que puede brindar más información sobre esa publicación:
## Desired behavior
The [Lighthouse Positioning System](https://www.bitcraze.io/documentation/system/positioning/ligthouse-positioning-system/) by Bitcraze is a low-cost pose estimation system for …
Tenemos una flamante instalación del sistema en la que, luego de dejarla operativa, cargamos manualmente los datos desde la vieja versión.
Apagamos el server para hacer un snapshot y …
Hola, he podido instalar Andino sin problemas utilizando el instalador install.py del repositorio.
El problema se origina al momento de habilitar el SSL ya que cuando corro el script de actualizacion…
ghost updated
3 years ago