This item includes topics of supply chain management based on the preliminary template https://ot.owasp.org/the-top-10/template/
That includes SLAs and patch management, which is typically not done…
`prospect-pingouin`: Slack thread: https://fleetdm.slack.com/archives/C07GLME5P7C/p1728335003313189?thread_ts=1728329669.900549&cid=C07GLME5P7C
- @noahtalerman: _User requested this because_ they use…
> What application are you using?
Other / Not sure
> Describe the problem.
The OCE Asset Management group has an asset management training presentation that we currently provide in pers…
### Operating System
- [ ] Windows
- [ ] macOS
- [ ] Linux
- [ ] FreeBSD
- [ ] OpenBSD
- [ ] Android
- [ ] iOS
- [ ] Nintendo Switch
- [ ] PlayStation 5
- [ ] Xbox
- [ ] Web Browsers
Good day kind folks @ OST!
As a huge fan of both Snipe-IT open source asset tracking system, and OsTicket, (and someone with no coding knowledge whatsoever), I humbly come to you requesting the follo…
Consider productionizing Microsoft.AspNetCore.ClientAssets package
### Description
When building out Dashboards, it is often a requirement to have images, videos, or other static assets for your site. We could provide an optimised UX here that allows users to upload…
Things to automate
- [ ] Create assets using `csctl`
- [ ] Push assets to Harbor using `csctl`
- [ ] Define management cluster (e.g. moin-cluster)
- [ ] Deploy Cluster Stack resource
- [ ] Buil…
Maybe the question already stated somewhere, but is there an ASSET management addition to this helpdesk tool ?
So we can keep track on our ASSETS (Hardware)
Thanks !