Hi, thank you for your solid work.
I am reconstructing the code and find that function ```return_brics_res_structure``` does not works as my expectation.
For example, for the smiles 'NC(C(F)(F)F)(…
Hi, I just found this modpack off of the newly updated page and really am vibing with it so far. One piece of feedback I will give, however, is to not use the chem-lib plates.
1. they're ugly. I'm…
Good Evening, I was implementing the code below:
mol_list = [Chem.MolFromSmiles(x) for x in smile_list]
dicarbonyl = Chem.MolFromSmarts('*C(=O)C(=O)*')
match_list = [mol.GetSubstructMatch(dica…
- Unknown CHEMs are considered to be linkers, with unknown structures and unknown attachment points. Linker is a monomer used for interconnecting other sequences.
AP-attachment po…
(, )
(, , [], [])
(, , [(5, 306), (24,…
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---> DATE: 2019/07/01 UTC: 00:00
HEMCO already called for this timestep.…
### Your name
### Your affiliation
lanzhou university
### What happened? What did you expect to happen?
make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop.
I am wondering, at one point in my simulation, the run fails with a constantly decreasing dt (reaching a dt = 1e-25 or lower which is certainly a sign of instability in my solution - or in my …
### Your name
Baihua Chen
### Your affiliation
Xiamen University
### Please provide a clear and concise description of your question or discussion topic.
Dear @yantosca
I used "git …
### Your name
Zhongling Guo
### Your affiliation
Beijing Normal University
### What happened? What did you expect to happen?
Hi there, I was trying configuring build of Gcclassic-14.5.0 on a loca…