I tried converting something very minimal with the python native converter:
import sbol2
from sbol_utilities import conversion
doc2 = sbol2.Document()
comp = sbol2.ComponentDefinition()
I am using the microsoft/azure-data-factory-utilities npm package for CI/CD to my ADF. My triggers are used against pipelines that take parameters, and those parameter values contain double-quotes in …
Dear nnUNet - team,
I have trained a model on a cluster, but due to time constraints this training was aborted. I wanted to continue it by adding the --c flag to my SLURM-script:
### Bug report
**Bug summary**
An arepo snapshot whose on-disk ParticleIDs data type is uint32 or uint64 is converted to float32 or float64, respectively.
The conversion can be traced back to…
Currently there are a number of functions in `lingua_franca.time` that were brought along from mycroft-core when LF was extracted. Presently none of them are used in LF with the exception of using the…
Is would be nice have a version of the data in tabular format like CVS. I checked the JSON format, and unfortunately it is a bit too complex for conversion using utilities like pandas read_json.
In another channel a user suggested adding additional conversion utilities, including the ability to convert an entire IonPyDict to a native dict type.
In file included from /home/dmcconac/Dropbox/catkin_ws/src/robots_and_sensors/apriltag_kinect2/src/apriltags_kinect2.cpp:70:0:
sbol_utilities\conversion.py", line 237, in convert3to2
result = doc2.validate()
sbol2\document.py", line 831, in validate
response = validate(self, config.options)
sbol2\document.py", l…
I'm not sure how to set the identities of owned objects while preserving the IDs from SBOL2. When I try to set the identity of a `Cut`, for example:
import sbol2
from sbol_utilities imp…