Design a new cross-platform GUI using one modern technology from the following list:
- Blazor Hybrid
- Edge WebView2
- Avalonia UI
- Uno Platform
This solution should replace the current WinF…
Currently it attempts to get 28, but the default cmake version is 3.21.3.
Applications built with AUI cannot be read by NVDA or other screen readers on Windows, making AUI applications inaccessible for people who cannot see or have vision problems.
UI elements such as bu…
According to https://github.com/xamarin/Xamarin.Social/pull/11 `Xamarin.Social` supports the providers from the iOS `Social.framework`.
Does it include any cross-platform API to invoke [SLComposeVi…
Congratulations on releasing your new rule-oriented GUI rewriting engine. However, the announcement in your [v0.6.3 release blog post](http://www.red-lang.org/2017/07/063-macos-gui-backend.html) does …
Not sure if it would be feasible, but a GUI is always more usable than a command line tool.
Feature Request
Create Symbols:
KMOD_Conotates_L/RGUI : mapped to KMOD_L/RCTRL when `_APPLE_` is defined and KMOD_L/RGUI otherwise
KMOD_Conotates_L/RCMD : mapped to KMOD_L/R…
New version of Ardour 8.4 dont want work with calf plugins. Problem is too old gtk version
When developing cross-platform GUI applications with frameworks like [Microsoft MAUI](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/apps/maui) or [Avalonia UI](https://www.avaloniaui.net), you can publish your a…
### Project Name
### License
### Contributor
Oliver Schantz, domportera
### Existing OSS Project?
### Source Code URL