### Your idea
As many are writing derivatives extensions, and I was working on that with @melanieganz and @mnoergaard, the idea came that we may need a chaining rule. For raw data, the location of en…
I started with a few basic AMRs but as I start to consider more models it would be useful to formalize a generic interface. The three moving components in the hierarchical models are
1. the relation…
I had been playing around with using `TaylorDiff.jl` for higher-order differentiation of numerical solutions of ODEs. I have a simple implementation of the method introduced in Appendix D in […
This is not currently supported though it is allowed by BIDS, it is not useful for FTDC workflows but others might want to do things this way.
I cannot calculate the MPM parameters because it is a problem with the vertical concatenation of the my MPM contrast files.
Specifically, this is my input of my MPM contrast files:
How to extract BSE derivatives data. getting error if i use
{'Success': '', 'Status': 500, 'Error': "Exchange-Code should be either 'nse', or 'nfo' or 'ndx' or 'mcx'"}
### System Information
All systems.
### Detailed description
`_InputArray` and its derivatives have different behaviour based on what kind of "container" they hold. The code makes many mistakes abo…
We have bindings for AdolC in dune. Unfortunately the lack of thread-safety of the tape-based mode prohibits its use in thread-parallel assembly. On the other hand traceless forward mode with `adtl::a…
This very useful 2007 article about `centroid` shading says that - in OpenGL in 2007 - derivatives on centroid-interpolated variables have undefined results: https://www.opengl.org/pipeline/article/vo…
I have been running bids-validator for a few years on an ever increasing dataset. Now I am getting
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Security context: 0x274c629257c1