textdisplay.mailer m = new textdisplay.mailer();
String body = this.getFname() + " " + this.getLname() + " (" + this.getUname() + ") has invited "
+ newUser.getFname() + " " + newU…
If possible:
- [x] Import in BM selected manuscript descriptions from Manus online database, without typing the information again;
- [x] Maintain the link to the Manus's Authority files, when prese…
Thanks to Michelle Moravec and Aimée Morrison for their #inclusivesyllabi tweets and work, which encouraged me to try to define DH with a diverse list of examples.
# Ways I can improve the list befo…
Estimado Octavio.
De forma global veo bien tu proyecto: el repositorio tiene la estructura adecuada, realizaste el análisis en un Jupyter notebook, divulgaste tu proyecto a través de *X* (antes Twitt…
This is a test to confirm all are subscribed to watching this repo and got an email of this new Issue. Please email or SMS text me to confirm you receieved this text by email.
Top OCR priority is t…
I’d love to know what the participants ask for?
Encoding texts
Coding texts
Multimedia tools (#lang video)
visualisations, etc.
# GitHub Strategy
As the primary platform used in the podcast's production and documentation it is important to develop a presence on GitHub. The following are examples of our efforts to create thi…
RJP43 updated
5 years ago
PID = aADj3Ljjqti2
The entry for:
Čejka, Martin, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
[Cuneiform Stroke Recognition and Vectorization in 2D Images](http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/18/1/000733/000733.…
`mnet = MultilayerNetwork(aspects=2) #aspects==dimension`
`mnet.add_layer('z', 2)`
I tried example of multi aspects.
But …