### Background
"DRS" stands for "Data Repository Service".
There is a DNS record (of type CNAME) for `drs.microbiomedata.org` defined on **LBLnet** (via IP Request). Since August 20, it has poin…
As a Registries Analyst working with the MHR, I want a document record to be created automatically when I submit a filing. The documentation requirements could include PDF files from a form completed …
The [DRS spec L#354](https://github.com/ga4gh/data-repository-service-schemas/blob/cd0186fa9b7763bdb15175e6615ff4a42c1b85c3/openapi/data_repository_service.swagger.yaml#L354) has a strong opinion on t…
This property is only present in LungMap snapshots, which use a version of the schema from an un-merged feature branch.
In CRDC driver Project and also in BioDataCatalyst we have a situation where the host of the data would like to provide a guidance on how to use the data, and there to use it.
In other words, they wo…
Needed for LungMAP managed access data files stored in BDCat.
Pre-requisite is a metadata schema change to support DRS URIs - to be proposed by Andrew Herbst (Broad).
> Support f…
Castle Thalavar - Houndmaster's Quarters
Were it not for being surround by cold stone, this room seems almost
whimsical. It has comfortable furnishings, but all at half normal size.
The …
Fresh install of the 290
I ran apero_precheck
no erorrs but got a list a targets not in the objdb as usual
entered one for cloutier Kepler-1646 but got the error bellow
### Background
#### Feature Branch: https://github.com/ga4gh/data-repository-service-schemas/tree/feature/issue-394-drs-plus-connect-docs-v1
I'm opening this issue based on followup to the April…
The ga4gh data repository service (DRS) API spec defines an object type, [`DrsObject`](https://ga4gh.github.io/data-repository-service-schemas/preview/release/drs-1.1.0/docs/#_drsobject), that has pro…