Ref workflow: https://training.galaxyproject.org/training-material/topics/epigenetics/tutorials/hicexplorer/workflows/
Ref IDC feedback: https://github.com/galaxyproject/idc/issues/53
Ref reported a…
aging & network & simulation을 키워드로 case study에 참고할 논문들 스터디
- [x] [paper](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4890987/pdf/oncotarget-07-8556.pdf) 논문읽기
Click "Variants" and check the browser. We need to evaluate if this is a candidate for displaying epigenetics within gEAR
[I advise holding off on this ticket for now but I need a place to make some initial notes. I will be editing this ticket as I go along]
I am with @dustine32 looking at integrating the TCs @thomasp…
Due to the repatriation of possible Australian Aborigineal skulls in the Alexander Ecker Collection in Freiburg, several skulls were under investigation. Epigenetic variants of the relevant skulls wer…
I would like to run 5hmC and 5mC detection.
in this case should I use the _dna_r9.4.1_450bps_modbases_5mc_hac.cfg_ or the _dna_r9.4.1_450bps_modbases_dam-dcm-cpg_hac.cfg_ to detect all th…
DNA_SIMPLE_MODEL.pdf В Google Drive
Когда кто-то прочитывает -- отмечайтесь в комментах. Как все прочитаем -- закроем.
This issue focuses on introducing a **proofreading mechanism** for the cell division process in the simulation. In this system, each cell is represented as a neural network, and its "genetic material"…
### Problem
I have encountered a problem with bwameth that pops up when the FASTQ comment contains a read group. In this case, bwameth only outputs the SAM header without any reads.
### Details
Initial group info you provided:
| Name | Department/Program | Expertise/Interests |GitHub ID |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| Samantha Sch…