win32u.dll!NtUserPeekMessage() Unknown
user32.dll!_PeekMessage() Unknown
user32.dll!PeekMessageA() Unknown
Dn-FamiTracker.exe!CWnd::RunModalLoop(unsigned long dwFlags) Line 4686 C++
I feel that there are some things that could be added from Famitracker (for example)
- [ ] channel volume indicators under FMx/SSGx "track heads"
- [x] simple oscilloscope, kinda like in Famitrac…
Is there a way I could get a slightly detailed documentation about the music format used? My intent is writing a converter which translates Famitracker exports to binary data directly playable by your…
Hello, I've just discovered this software and decided to try it out on my Linux machine.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Download the AppImage of [9d16ed8](https://github.com/christopherpow/nesicide/comm…
I am creating a NES style game on Debian based GNU/Linux. Would you help me figure out how to compile this program?
ghost updated
3 years ago
i tried importing wav to dpcm but it stays silent after i imported it.
[Sore yuke! Majo Ranger (Alternate ver).ftm](http://forums.famitracker.com/download/file.php?i…
The title says it all. I think "pattern length" is especially crucial in an importer for FamiTracker song files.
This is something that has already been explored in the past but hasn't been updated in a while. The only program I could get to work that imports NSFs into Famitracker is [this program](http://famitr…
I'm really confused by the order editing method used in Klys. Implementing something in the likes of ProTracker, MPT or even FamiTracker would be comfortable for people not getting a hang of Klys' ord…