Author: **Alexander Sacco**
Topics: ocean warming, climate change, fisheries, disturbance events
## Summary of Synthesis
Ocean warming accounts for over 90% of the energy accumulation for the pas…
To respond to @ebuhle question in Issue #18...
> Also [QUESTION] note that I considered a trajectory quasi-extinct (recovered) if it fell below (above) the respective threshold in at least one yea…
I love the mapper, and assume that it uses some Maximum Entropy modeling techniques to predict species occurrences.
Mapping of aquatic species needs a little work to limit aquatic species to aquatic …
Just keeping track of suggestions here (e.g. if someone emails us). Tick the box when dealt with.
- [ ] Joanne Lessard: can't make scoping meeting "but I’m very interested. My group would have a lo…
Hey guys,
Over this past week, I’ve been working on generating juvenile abundance estimates for spring ’22 and trying to contextualize the estimate(s) for chum fry at the mainstem Grays River trap.…
Based on 22fb59b973a1145646e333705d822f156218570b
1) Write out MSOM equations? Would help me differentiate Rhat_true from Rhat_obs.
2) Looks like MSOMs can mistakenly at…
Hey @marksorel8, I added a [directory](https://github.com/marksorel8/Wenatchee-screw-traps/tree/master/src/Stan_demo) containing Stan code, example data (from the Tucannon) and a self-contained R scri…
Feedback provided on September 19, 2018. May address some or all of these issues given sufficient time and/or funding. Numbered so that fixes for each issue can be indicated in subsequent comments t…
At TDWG 2020, the subject of the need for an Evidence class came up several times.
Problems with the term dwc:basisOfRecord were also discussed. It is essentially a bespoke term to indicate the ty…
### Version Control!
**NB:** [Always edit this document as the master](https://doimspp-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/personal/ebechtel_contractor_usgs_gov/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B87f6a2d8-93a2-…