I will create a frontend project ,which will convert our desired text to speech using html, css and javascript.
Which will be interactive and Responsive.
![Uploading Screenshot (18).png…]()
This is an amazing tracker for Documentaries. I don't have any invites but you can sign up via https://thegeeks.bz/signup.php
I like the Help Menu > Reference Guide but it has no search. I was looking to see if transitions were a thing... Couldn't find out. It'd be good to be able to filter all the listings.
Also, this …
By Ahmad Abd-Elghany
Independent platform for posts,ideas, discussion and Q/A's.
Sponsored Events, with Ads, could help with server rents.
Developing the platform will be a Piece of Cake - i gue…
# Backend!
### What version of Bun is running?
### What platform is your computer?
Linux 5.15.0-107-generic x86_64 x86_64
### What steps can reproduce the bug?
I follow tutorial from this site https:…
## The icon I want is:
* Name: GeeksforGeeks
* URL: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/
* Link to icon: https://iconduck.com/icons/80486/geeksforgeeks
* Vector version of the logo: https://github…
Figma : https://www.figma.com/proto/Le6xk0DI4om1Kq1SrzKinb/BO-geeks-app?node-id=1821-3&scaling=scale-down&page-id=1444%3A0
We need to add to the media meta component the possibility to manage platf…
Problem statement
You are given an array 'arr' consisting of 'n' integers which denote the position of a stall.
You are also given an integer 'k' which denotes the number of aggressive cows.
You …