To be able to run WorldWindKotlin on JVM platform using JOGL or LWJGL we need to implement main WorldWindowJPanel class and gestures processing package for this platform.
Also wee need to test and co…
拜读了佬们论文APT-KGL: An Intelligent APT Detection System Based on Threat Knowledge and Heterogeneous Provenance Graph Learning,但是代码中有些不懂问题,希望佬可以指点一二,谢谢
- https://next-auth.js.org/
- https://dev.to/franciscomendes10866/nextjs-authentication-with-next-auth-trpc-and-prisma-kgl
- https://github.com/nextauthjs/next-auth/issues/569 (mobile)
On native platforms there's a `com.kgl.utils.VirtualStack` used for allocations for temporaries when interacting with C. At the moment it just forwards allocations to `nativeHeap` which is not ideal.
I am getting this error while running ./Kintinuous on a sample kgl file.
The line 477 of tsdf_volume.cu is: `cudaSafeCall ( cudaGetLastError () );`
Here are my system details:
Ubuntu 16.04
![Enter Custom Palatte](https://d1a3f4spazzrp4.cloudfront.net/kepler.gl/wiki/roadmap/custom_palatte.png)
### Color Palette customization (done) https://github.com/keplergl/kepler.gl/pull/601
User …
Thank you for sharing code!
I have a question about the function get_centers that computes the centers of clusters.
Did you forget to normalize features before multiply them per mask? Or simply th…
**Genus name could be misspelling - Psittacaria - Psittacara**
This issue was reported on Helpdesk.
The genus Psittacaria seems to be a misspelling for the genus Psittacara Vigors, 1825 (https://www…
Hello, you doing awesome work, but i have several questions:
- Why you stop develop this library?
- Why you support only desktop platforms? (A lot of people use kotlin for mobile instead desktop devel…