Error executing process > 'pipeline_16S:DOWNLOAD_SILVA_FOR_MOTHUR (nr)'
Caused by:
Process `pipeline_16S:DOWNLOAD_SILVA_FOR_MOTHUR (nr)` terminated with an error exit status (1)
Command execu…
There should be 34 metabolomics analysis records but there are none in data portal dev. I checked the dataset API dev and it does know about the workflow data objects (ie Request URL
Our curation on the PrefixCommons sub has uncovered several types of datasets whose identifiers are not resolvable at their original source. There is nothing DataMed can do about that except perhaps e…
**_This is a brainstorming issue._**
I will apply for funding to get a research software engineer to work full-time on matchms (and the matchms eco-system) for 2-3 years.
Obtaining such funding ob…
The 16s pipeline will fail if a user inputs just 100 for the Mothur OTU clustering threshold parameter. The code attempts to run a "split" on the paramter which will fail for a single threshold value…
I want to use MetFrag CL to process multiple spectra with one call to MetFrag and in the end be able to tell in which spectrum the given compound was identified.
Is there a way to do this, e.…
Hi Ming @mwang87 !
I, @lfnothias, and @hoseinmohimani have several requests & suggestions about updating [In Silico Tools](https://gnps.ucsd.edu/ProteoSAFe/static/gnps-theoretical.jsp) webpage. Some …
Hi Ron,
Is it on your todo list to make metaMS compatible with xcms 3.0 ?
i'm asking because i would like to use your package functionalities with high resolution GCMS data and i think that ce…
![annotation schema](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/50745/101949125-f9b68e00-3ba7-11eb-96a8-e85617c3adf2.png)
For orientation: the genome feature class corresponds to the main entry in a…
Can this be used to integrate only metabolomics data in bacteria metabolic model ?