- Need SILVA reference alignment to align our sequences from the rrnDB so that we can make sure we are looking at consistent regions within the gene. we can get this from the (mothur wiki) https://mot…
These lines in the taxass.batch script need to be removed I believe, as they are performed in the taxass pipeline and the %id (97) is incorrect compared to what is currently used in the taxass.sh scri…
Proceed with plot_heatmap with phyloseq object as input
Code like
Use case: https://biostar.usegalaxy.org/p/23685/#25087
I tried to download and use the Version 19 16S rRNA Reference (PDS) instead of the older taxonomy files in the Galaxy 16S Microbial Analysis with mothur (extended) tutorial (https://training.galaxypro…
I uploaded the following, expecting a simple tabular/interval output that I could work with.
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1 2 3 4
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We should probably tighten up the sni…
Going through the [MySeq SOP](http://www.mothur.org/wiki/MiSeq_SOP), I noticed that mothur is not remembering session variables when used in an iPython notebook. For example, if you look in the [Redu…
Do we want to add "Common Questions" sections to each command page?
- The first steps to an auto-help in a web app.
- Send a link or copy and paste to simplify a portion of user support over time.
I just wanted to make note of a few things that might not behave as expected with --standalone-taxonomy plus possibly --collapse-taxonomy and --insect. I did a --standalone-taxonomy run that requires …