related #7891
We could add a helper function that computes first and second derivatives for only one element of a partition of the parameter space.
We have several applications where we can comput…
We currently don't have any numdiff fallback if some analytical derivatives are missing in the model
I'm trying out MLEInlfuence(res) where res is a NegativeBinomialP results instance.
but I get
- [ ] Write code to compute covariance for generic XY and WZ tracers and test on e.g. TT assigned to @reneehlozek
- [ ] write code to compute numerical derivatives for the Cl terms assigned to @rene…
This issue is extracted from the discussion in #6998.
Currently we have the concepts of "configuration" and "velocity" variables mixed up with "continuous" and "discrete". The generalized configura…
`model.d_phase_d_param()` returns a derivative whose mean is zero. This is wrong if one is working with absolute phases - if the model contains `TZRMJD`, all derivatives should be exactly zero there. …
Good idea for checking analytical derivatives to high accuracy.
* also get an estimation of the numerical error
First of all, many thanks for this library - it is great! I am trying to implement one idea that I had and I am constantly finding that I have no issues on forward simulation using `odeint_…
Thoughts after questions from AmpLab staff Jey Kottalam:
So far we have been providing analytical expressions for the 4th spatial derivatives for the covariance kernel, it is possible for us to explor…
I am interested in a DG solver for hamilton-jacobi equations (of the form $`\varphi_t + H(\nabla \varphi) = 0`$) as they arise in level-set methods (e.g. $`H(\nabla \varphi) = a \| \nabla \varphi \|`$…
tl;dr: While JAX clamps indices to the array bounds when evaluating array indexing operations, the same logic does not appear to be applied when back-propagating derivatives through the indexing opera…