Hi @dicecco1 ,
Came across this work on SDAccel forum and read your paper, thx for open-sourcing!
After tweaking around the Makefile I am able to finish Make-ing the codes,
`Make runtest` passe…
I'm following the [Running the "Hello World" Example](https://github.com/Xilinx/SDAccel-AWS-F1-Developer-Labs/blob/master/modules/module_01/lab_01_helloworld.md).
Everything works until Step 5.
when I try to make the sdaccel.mk file,I found the common.mk didn't exist.I wrote the tcl scripts,but my gcc didn't support c++11.I want to know whether the file common.mk inlcude the compile and…
Currently there is `Build Report:` at the start of each build report, which I think prevents it from being machine-readable:
Build Report: {
"partName": "xcvu9p-flgb2104-2-i",
`test_afi_generation.sh` is the script underpinning the 'test hw builds' st…
I consider the option of memory-mapping columns to shared memory to be valuable. Such option will be triggered if specific metadata are supplied. Given that many data frames backed by arrow are used f…
Hi, when you open Vivado HLS project (Vivado 2020, if it matters), you can add port…
It makes sense that the execution does not work when no AWSXCLBIN nor XCLBIN is found, but, in my case, this situation causes a segfault on the call to `cl::Program`, which is difficult to diagnose.
I use AWS EC2 f1 instance to run gemx. With (this AMI)[https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B06VVYBLZZ]
however after I compile the gemm_kernel.h into gemm.xclbin and upload it to AWS to create AFI,…
To use multiple banks/controlers in the DDR to enable simultaneous reads/writes, what should I make changes of the SW/HW actions in the CAPI SNAP. I am thinking to add another DDR port beside the foll…