# Reference
- [ ] [paper - 2018 - BiSeNet: Bilateral Segmentation Network for Real-time Semantic Segmentation](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1808.00897v1)
- [ ] [论文笔记-BiSeNet:Bilateral Segmentation Network …
Can you please tell me which neural networks of segmentation do you recommend for use with kimera? What are the requirements for it? How to choose the right one? I collected a real dataset from my …
# Reference
- [ ] [paper - Learning Deconvolution Network for Semantic Segmentation](https://arxiv.org/abs/1505.04366)
- [ ] [Github repo](https://github.com/HyeonwooNoh/DeconvNet)
- [ ] [语义分割--Dec…
hello~ Our dataset does not have a corresponding semantic segmentation picture, so can we still use your network and weights for training? thanks!
Since segmentation networks and datasets are stored in the generic form, the downloaded models don't include a labels file. DIGITS does use the labels file provided at dataset creation for the visuali…
|paper| [Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation](https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2015/html/Long_Fully_Convolutional_Networks_2015_CVPR_paper.html) |
|paper| [Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation](https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2015/html/Long_Fully_Convolutional_Networks_2015_CVPR_paper.html) |
First of all, thank you for releasing such an interesting work.
I have looked the issue #1,and i'm preparing to adopt my own Semantic Segmentation Network. However,in the newly published code, i do…
## 書誌情報
### 論文リンク
### 著者/所属機関
Jonathan Long∗ Evan Shelhamer∗ Trevor Darrell