It seems the result on new sim method is really good on your demo page, could you please share it? thank you
It would be very helpful to have the following features:
When you create multiple support enforcers or support blockers for a model, it would great if they can be group together so that a) they can…
Yet I am working on project with dlib 68 face landmarks.dat file. But in many testing results seems very unstable. After some research I found dataset file.
Here are some source where its very st…
I did some qualitative assessment using my own data trying to test `face alignment + headpose + gaze`. I merged some code from this repository and some additional code from lazer eye as you ref…
I saw that on the function you write to read parameters from candide.npz
def load3DFaceModel(filename):
faceModelFile = np.load(filename)
mean3DShape = faceModelFile["mean3DShape"]
1. 关于人脸检测,他推荐使用Adaboost(Adaptive Boosting)机器学习算法进行判断人脸是否存在。
2. 关于人脸关键点的定标,他推荐了一篇(有他自己的)论文:《A Failure-Aware E…
Hello author!
I would like to ask where is the code for the training stage and the Generalizable Identity Preservation section,
looking forward to your reply, thanks!
Is there a way to get the RGB images for the corresponding depth images of the SUNCG dataset that were used during training?
I'm encountering a misalignment between the depth and RGB streams when using the Intel RealSense D435 camera. The two streams do not align accurately in both absolute and relative positions, as …
Hi James,
In certain cases the codes returns an error,
_"MenpoDeprecation (Warning)
ST_0015 - FAILED TO CORRESPOND: Expected to find one face - found 0"_
The input face is in WRL format…