**Description of issue:**
The sleeping speedup feature prevents cats from dropping gifts on a regular basis. If the night runs normally, cats drop a gift with a 70% chance. If you place enough cats n…
Really appreciate your work on taskwarrior/taskchampion!
With the release of a new way to interact with the app (via the rust library), python bindings are [needed](https://github.com/Got…
Jeff Jarvis "Geeks Bearing Gifts" which on Medium https://medium.com/geeks-bearing-gifts This is the foundation of the "social journalism" MA degree we just launched at CUNY. (Love what you are doing …
我想不到任何一种情况会导致 `request` 为 `NULL`,也就是下面的代码我觉得是没必要的:
if (!request)
`threadpool::run()` 用的 `request` 最先是 `WebServer::dealwithwrite()` 和 `WebServer::dealwithread()`…
It would be nice to able to add a date to gifts.
1. For Gift already offered, this would be the date received.
1. For Gift idea, it could be the gift due date, or the date a reminder is supposed…
Нужно максимально имплементировать советы, которые предлагает google анализатор, чтобы улучшить SEO для waivio и сайтов:
### 🔗 [가장 많이 받은 선물](https://school.programmers.co.kr/learn/courses/30/lessons/258712)
### Feature Request
When shipping products out, we use packaging material. It would be good to keep track of it's stock to know when to re-order.
### Use case
I buy shipping boxes and other stuff, …
To reproduce:
1. Say goodbye to Monika
2. Gift her something and a pink shirt
3. Launch the game
4. See Monika accept your gifts
5. See Monika put on the pink shirt
6. Go to outfits
7. Notice t…
I've removed the .txt and it changed into a GIFT file. However, she shows no reaction towards it.
This seems to only happen to coffee and cupcake.