While i was bumping gource 0.26 for gentoo i notified that gource doesn't
link to either libjpeg or libpng (and with a quick look i can't find code
using it), but still configure checks for them. …
While i was bumping gource 0.26 for gentoo i notified that gource doesn't
link to either libjpeg or libpng (and with a quick look i can't find code
using it), but still configure checks for them. …
While i was bumping gource 0.26 for gentoo i notified that gource doesn't
link to either libjpeg or libpng (and with a quick look i can't find code
using it), but still configure checks for them. …
While i was bumping gource 0.26 for gentoo i notified that gource doesn't
link to either libjpeg or libpng (and with a quick look i can't find code
using it), but still configure checks for them. …
Just a small visual bug:
So I did
source ./emsdk/emsdk_env.sh
git clone https://github.com/ungverd/monkey_game.git
cd monkey_game/
emcc mygame.c -s WASM=1 -s USE_SDL=2 -s USE_SDL_IMAGE=2 -s SDL2_IMAGE_FORMATS='["p…
There seems to be two uses for the Bitmap class. One of them is to store
images that are loaded, and SDL_Surface works just fine for that (I added a
Image::new_surface() method that create an SDL_…
Sort of Master Post related to SDL
## Package Request
### SDL2 (Base library)
- [x] VC (https://github.com/ScoopInstaller/Extras/blob/master/bucket/sd…
Are you planning on creating wrappers for SDL libraries?
- SDL_image
- SDL_mixer
When rendering with OpenImageDenoise Blender crashes, but in the viewport it works fine. Also thanks for keeping LuxCore alive!
.blend file:
Default project
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open Blende…