``` sql
-- 274 Se aproxima una oscura amenaza
-- https://es.classic.wowhead.com/quest=274
SET @ID := 274;
DELETE FROM `quest_request_items_locale` WHERE `ID` = @ID AND `locale` IN ('esES', 'esMX')…
Hi Erik,
I am getting KeyError at 'User credentials'. I have tried following the exchangelib documentation and stackoverflow solutions. I have checked my credentials which are perfectly fine.
Para comparar la medición del sensor laser con el homologado del SIATA tenemos unas mediciones a pocos metros de la estación de la Y (zona del tesoro) :
- 2017-05-18 a las 10:01, PM2.5 : 40
- 2017…
son0p updated
4 years ago
``` sql
-- 455 El asedio de Algaz
-- https://es.classic.wowhead.com/quest=455
SET @ID := 455;
DELETE FROM `quest_request_items_locale` WHERE `ID` = @ID AND `locale` IN ('esES', 'esMX');
# **Stringhe della settimana**
- [x] [Mozilla Donate website](https://pontoon.mozilla.org/translate/it/mozilla-donate-website/all-resources/?status=fuzzy%2Cmissing%2Cunreviewed&string=204789) 39+2 fu…
# Stringhe della settimana
Dalla settimana precedente (issue #240 )
- [Donate Website UI](https://pontoon.mozilla.org/it/mozilla-donate-website/all-resources/?status=missing%2Cunreviewed&string=21…
# Stringhe della settimana
- [x] [Mozilla.org](https://pontoon.mozilla.org/it/mozillaorg/all-resources/?status=fuzzy%2Cwarnings%2Cmissing%2Cunreviewed&string=210488) 7 stringhe + 14 wrongs (da correg…
Hello @al-epo @sarameiqi @whispererindarkness @aliceLedda !
The situation report from 2020-03-27 is ready to be translated to Italian. A branch exists as `sit-rep_it` where this can be done, and…
# Stringhe della settimana
- [x] [Firefox Monitor Website](https://pontoon.mozilla.org/it/firefox-monitor-website/all-resources/?status=missing&string=204382) 8 stringhe - @Sav22999
- [x] [mozilla.o…
# Stringhe della settimana
Dallo issue #212
- [Mozilla.org](https://pontoon.mozilla.org/it/mozillaorg/all-resources/?status=missing%2Cunreviewed&string=207952) 135 stringhe
- [x] [chrome.lang](…