I try to configure HTTPS on whois, and terminal shows startup log:
`2024-11-15T03:18:44,106 INFO [Server] Started Server@68c06a2{STARTING}[11.0.20,sto=0] @8333ms`
`2024-11-15T03:18:44,106 INFO [Je…
### Code of Conduct & Contributing Guidelines
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### Have you checked that no other similar bug report(s) already exists?
A wrong dataset gives in 9.2.0 and needs maybe a similar fix as for https://github.com/Open-MSS/MSS/issues/2456
Fatal error in MSS 9.2.0 on Linux-6.5.0-10043-tuxedo-x86_64-with-glibc2.35
Database request in `dbGetLastDay` and other avg calculating functions is implemented too bad, so it's worth to rewrite it, probably using `group by`, but in this case there are some issues with those…
CHIANTI v9 has now been released (see [Dere et al., 2019](https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019ApJS..241...22D)) with additional modifications for how the level populations are calculated and a new d…
The centroid coordinates of the UTM5 squares in dagvlinders-inbo-occurrences seem truncated to 5 decimals, rather than rounded. Compare:
| source | code | latitude | longitude |
| --- | --- | --- | -…
### Code of Conduct & Contributing Guidelines
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### Have you checked that no other similar bug report(s) already exists?
### Code of Conduct & Contributing Guidelines
- [X] I agree to follow the code of conduct and the contributing guidelines.
### Have you checked that no other similar question(s) already exists?
After following the installation steps from https://github.com/graspit-simulator/graspit_interface:
git clone https://github.com/graspit-simulator/graspit.git
cd graspit
mkdir build
cd build